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Directions to reach the Temple
Thiruvegappura Mahakshetram is situated in the Pattambi-Valanchery route. Buses are available from Palakkad, Pattambi, and Valanchery.
Nearest Railway Stations:
Palakkad Junction (62km)
Shoranur Junction (30 Km)
Pattambi Railwaystation ( 17 Km)
Kuttippuram Railway Station (13 Km)
Nearest Airports:
Calicut International Airport (50 Km)
Cochin International Airport (111 Km)
Nearest Attractions:
Guruvayur is around 40km
The Kirathamoorthy Temple, dedicated to Vettekaran form of Lord Shiva, is located nearby.
Kadampuzha Devi Temple is around 11km.
Thiruvegappura Mahakshetram
Palakkad District
679304 Kerala
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